Easter was lots of fun this year. Jane had fun dyeing easter eggs! Mostly she just made sure that they were all staning up straight in the drying rack.
Jane likes to watch Tim play the Wii and everynow and then, she pretends to play with him.
We went and saw Monsters vs. Aliens in the Imax 3D. Jane liked it, but some of the really loud parts scared her. I sure think she looks cute in her 3D glasses!
She doesn't wear this tutu very often, but I think she's so cute when I can manage to get it on her!
Jane seems to think that my slippers are a good bed for her baby.
We gave Jane some icecream and brownies at Tim's parents house and let her go at it. She made a big mess of herself, but enjoyed every minute of it.
Jane was having so much fun jumping off the car and having Tim catch her. I think she would have done it the rest of the night if Tim's arms could have handled it.
I realize Kaleb isn't in many of these pictures. He's had a rough month. After I went back to work, he started to get really angry everytime he ate. So we called the doctors office to see what they thought and the nurse suggested we change his formula and we could also give him a little Malox and if that didn't work to give her a call. So I tried the Malox first and it helped...at first and then he would still get mad. So then I switched his formula and it helped...at first but he still wasn't feeling totally better. He kept squirming and seeming very uncomfortable. I thought maybe he just needed to be on the new formula for a little while because I know when you switch it can make them a little upset. Well, 2 weeks came and went and I finally called the doctor back. We took him in and he said it sounded like relux, so he gave us some pills and said they should kick in in about 4 days. Thanks goodness! I was so happy to finally have my sweet little baby feeling better. After the four days, Kaleb didn't have reflux problems anymore, but he got a horrible cold. I'm not sure, but I think it was croup. Poor little guy just barely gets over one problem just to get another. He was just miserable, coughing and choking on all the stuff running down his throat. Last Thursday we asked my dad to come up and help Tim give him a blessing. This is a picture of that night. Right before I took it he was snuggling up to my dad really cute, and then by the time I got my camera out, he was mad again. That night Kaleb slept a lot better and started turning around the next day. He's still a little sick, but getting so much better. I'm so thankfull to have the preisthood in my home so that Tim can bless me and our kids. I'm sure that's what helped Kaleb start getting better so fast and I'm so thankful for a loving husband who lives worthily. I'm also so thankful for parents close by that are always willing to help out. Thanks everyone!
Poor little Kaleb and poor you guys. I'm glad that you were able to figure out what was wrong. I hope that he recovers quickly from the croup that is aweful. What cute pictures of Jane decorating those eggs. And the one with the chocolate all over her face!! I'm excited to see you guys and meet your little Kaleb.
Poor baby! That is really hard, but hopefully things are getting better for good! Jane is such a cute, sweet little girl. Mackay and I are coming down this weekend and staying for a week--if you have any time to get together I'm sure Mackay would love to see Jane!
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